Featured Instructor Interview: Scriven King

We recently sat down with November’s Featured Instructor, Scriven King, to discuss his course and his thoughts on Operations Security. When he’s not at Law Enforcement Learning, you can find him blogging at The Security Dialogue or tweeting at @scrivenlking. Here are some excerpts from our conversation:

Law Enforcement Learning: Tell us about your course.

King: Practical Operations Security Applications for Criminal Investigations and Private Security is a course designed for both novice and experienced operations security (OPSEC) practitioners. We will discuss the ways in which law enforcement and public and private sector security organizations can protect their operations, resources, and most importantly, personnel by denying their respective adversaries knowledge of their intentions and capabilities. Then, we will define what OPSEC is, how we determine what critical information needs to be protected, and how to deny that information from getting to our adversaries.

Law Enforcement Learning: Why do law enforcement & security professionals need this information?

King: The worlds of security and law enforcement have become increasingly intertwined in both theory and practice.  As such, each has information about their operations that cannot be made readily available to the public at-large.  With multiple vectors of communication becoming publicly apparent, as professionals, our clients and the public’s safety depends on our ability to be discreet while conducting our operations.  This is a lesson learned tragically through active shooter scenarios targeting mass gathering locations, first responders and security officers.

Law Enforcement Learning: Why should they get this information from you?

King: I have over a decade’s worth of protecting various assets ranging from the personal security of a senior General officer to special events attended by over 5,000 people.  Each of these scenarios provided me an opportunity to learn how vital good operations security practices are.  I also performed my duties in the public eye on an almost daily basis. In that, I saw firsthand how easy it would be to have critical information disclosed and the importance of ensuring that never happened. I also have numerous years conducting various criminal investigations ranging from homicides to shoplifting.  As you’re aware, investigators also perform their duties in the public eye and also require great discretion in order to be successful.  All of these experiences have prepared me to not only be a practitioner of OPSEC but also pass on what has helped me be successful in applying it.

Law Enforcement Learning: If people are interested in this subject, where can they go for more?

King: There are several places people can go to learn more about OPSEC.  While I am a good resource, there are others who I also consider experts:




If you are interested in learning more about OPSEC, protecting your data, and improving your operations, check out King’s Practical Operations Security Applications for Criminal Investigations and Private Security – it’s open now!

The Law Enforcement Learning Team