It’s November 2016 and Donald Trump was elected as president. But, if you live in California, you need a background check to buy ammunition, felons are being released under prop 57, and now, we have proposition 64 and recreational marijuana.
The landscape for cops in California is getting harder every election cycle and there are no signs that it is letting up. The day after the election cycle, my phone and email was blowing up with calls from cops asking what they could or could not do under the new marijuana law. I sorted through the muck and got information from the proposition itself, the California district attorneys association, the California narcotics officers association and the health and safety code to bring you as much information as I can.
What Will You Learn About Proposition 64?
I am going to tell you what the law states. I am not going to tell you how you can enforce that law or how to go about your investigations. This is not an all-inclusive course that will include every facet of California Marijuana law. This is strictly about prop 64. This is a soup sandwich and we are all going to take a bite from it. There will be new case law and I am sure, new state law that will spin out of this. As this evolves, we will develop responses on how to deal with crime involving marijuana.
But, history is a predictor of the future. We can look at Colorado and other states that have legalized marijuana use and can see what the landscape holds for California. We know that our DUI marijuana cases will increase, DUI fatalities involving marijuana will go up, youth marijuana use will rise, and black market marijuana will not go away. Our problems with marijuana will only increase, at least for law enforcement.
On line drug training is dedicated to educating our police officers so that they can do their job more effectively. We are presenting this course for free so that we can help California police officers effectively navigate proposition 64. Make sure you sign up for our monthly training bulletins where we will advise you of new courses and new training posts from our blog, the Briefing Room.