Welcome to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service Online Learning!
The National Decision Model (NDM) is a decision-making model used throughout the police service. It is designed to assist operational officers, planners, advisers and commanders to manage their response to a situation in a reasonable and proportionate way.
The NDM is a scalable model that can be applied before, during and after an incident. It provides a framework for recording command decisions and the rationale behind them and can also be used to brief officers involved in the response.The NDM is driven by information and intelligence. It is a continuous cycle, constantly reviewed in light of new information and assessment that will, ultimately, affect the response to the incident. The model prompts the decision maker to take action on the basis of the most up-to-date information and intelligence available at that time. Each element of the model may be worked through and reviewed consciously or subconsciously. Decisions and the rationale behind them, can be recorded against each element.
In this modular course we will review each element step by step via dynamic learning environments. At the end of the course students will be assessed through a series on scenario based assignments.