Morgan Worley
Hi, my name is Morgan Worley. I am 23 years old, and I’m from Southern California. Im currently working at a Trader Joes, which is such a great job. Also I’m attending Arizona State University online to get my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. This class really caught my attention because my dream career is to become a death investigator. When I tell people what I want to do as a career they always look at me strange and say, thats different. When I first graduated from High School, I figured I would just try to go into nursing school. After trying the EMT course I of thought it wasn’t for me. After losing my dad to a motorcycle accident in the middle of the semester, and have seeing his body in a cremation box, that was the moment that changed everything. My dad was the first body I have ever seen. The moment I saw him, I didn’t cry but simple just felt at peace. I had to look at it from a different perspective. This when I decided death investigation is something I want to do.