The Strategies & Tactics of Patrol Stops (STOPS) officers survival course is designed to instruct police officers in the following:
- how to conduct tactical traffic stops with officers survival being the foremost concern
- how to conduct tactical traffic stops with officers survival being the foremost concern
- how to counter both accidental and felonious assaults
- how to assess the risks and recognize the threat cues by both the driver and passengers
- how to safely position the police and violator vehicles
- how to safely approach vehicles and keep control while making contact with the driver/passengers
- how to safely conduct commercial vehicle traffic stops
- how to tactically conduct high-risk stops
- how to counter ambush assaults and win
- how to escape from the 12 ambush zones
- how to safely conduct drug interdiction stops
- how to avoid citizen complaints and conflicts with violators
The STOPS program is based upon research from officers that have been injured or killed in the line of duty. We then developed strategies and tactics that countered the assaults, which will greatly increase the officers survival probability. The STOPS program is nationally and internationally recognized as the leading program in tactical/officer survival training available.
Vehicle stops will be divided into low risk, unknown risk, and high risk. Each category has pre planned options to minimize the chances of being assaulted by both accidental and felonious means. One of the goals is for the officers to always be thinking about the safest way to deal with every situation, and for the officer to recognize the danger cues. If an assault occurs our students will dominate through superior training and a warrior mindset.
STOPS training is realistic and extremely dynamic. Using video lectures and demonstrations, the STOPS online course provides officers with all of the skills necessary to conduct low, unknown, and high risk vehicle stops. Following completion of the STOPS online course, you are eligible to to attend any in-person practical training session at no cost.
STOPS is our most popular and fastest growing course and is being taught by many State Police Academies nationally. The experience of the S.T.O.P.S program goes beyond the citation to focus on a safe, successful outcome.