Course Summary
This course is approved for 2.5 hours of continuing education credits by Missouri POST, American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI)
Who Should Take This Course
- Law Enforcement Patrol Officers/ Supervisors
- Detectives and Investigators
- Medicolegal Death Investigators
- Coroners
- Interested Students
The burden of dealing with tragedies associated with the day-to-day duties of police officers, coroners, and medicolegal death investigators, often remains unspoken and follows the officers into their off-duty and personal lives. Failure to recognize and provide an acceptable outlet for the disappointment and frustration felt by officers and investigators at the end of their shifts can lead to:
- Alcohol and/or drug abuse
- Problems with personal relationships
- Self-rejection,
- Disillusionment and Depression
- Job loss
- Even suicide
If asked what bothers them the most about their profession, many will offer concerns such as a lack of public respect, lack of manpower or equipment to do their job effectively, or a general frustration over the perceived ineffectiveness of the judicial system. Seldom will officers open their hearts to discuss the pain and frustration that stems from dealing with the injury, anguish, and distress suffered by the victims. Many officers are haunted by the effects of trying to resolve problems they encounter in their communities and with their victims only to find that the solution is beyond their control.
Officers do not discuss the sorrow they feel after having to notify loved ones about the loss of their spouse or child because of a vehicle collision. Nor do they discuss the tears that follow officers after having held an infant in their hands trying to breathe life back into the tiny body only to find that despite all of their training and practice their efforts are futile. Or the frustration of dealing with the children of a crack addict or an abusive parent who time after time evades the help of a system overburdened with cases that, left unresolved, ensure continued problems for generation after generation to come.
These unresolved and un-dealt with feelings will lead an officer or investigator to suffer a form of PTSD called ‘Secondary PTSD’ or compassion fatigue.
This course will walk the student through the process of recognizing and understanding the warning signs of Mental Fatigue and Secondary PTSD also known as Compassion Fatigue. The course also offers simple proven steps in preventing metal fatigue and how to overcome the dangers of this debilitating condition if one finds themselves already in a place of mental danger or ‘burn out’.
This is an online video training and is designed to be interactive with students by random quizzes and a final exam. Student login and time are tracked per student to verify the time spent in the course if needed. Testing cannot be done until the videos are watched. Many of the videos have a unique symbol or picture that will appear prominently in the video and is part of the test questions, this will ensure the video has been watched. Certificates will only be available for print after the successful completion of the course material.
Each certificate will indicate that it was an online training and will note the approval control number and the CLEE hours given.