Law Enforcement Learning
Course Offerings
Conflict Engagement For Law Enforcement Instructor: Law Enforcement Learning Open The typical police officer is trained and prepared to mitigate physical threats, but studies indicate that only about 2% of police-civilian interactions result in physical encounters. The vast majority of conflict events involving officers consist of interpersonal disputes with little…
Personality Assessment for Law Enforcement Instructor: Law Enforcement Learning Open The DISC personality profile is a personal assessment tool that helps individuals or teams improve communication, teamwork, and productivity. In law enforcement, good leaders, managers, and investigators are great communicators, and understanding personality helps: Leaders communicate properly, motivate effectively, and assign…
How to Create a Law Enforcement Learning Course Instructor: Law Enforcement Learning Open Welcome to Law Enforcement Learning! If you are interested in creating, marketing, and teaching in the Law Enforcement Learning community, this course is designed for you. You’ll learn how to build a dynamic online course, become familiar with all of…