Graves & Associates
Course Offerings
Marijuana DUI Investigations Instructor: Graves & Associates Open This course is designed for the uniformed officer who needs further knowledge on how to investigate DUI cases where the suspect may have ingested marijuana. This is not designed for a Drug Recognition Expert. It is designed for officers that…
Fentanyl Safety, Decontamination and Identification Instructor: Graves & Associates Open Do you know what protective equipment you need while dealing with fentanyl or fentanyl laced drugs? Do you even know anything about fentanyl? Did you know that there is a fentanyl analog out there that will kill you with just…
California Proposition 64 – Legalized Marijuana Instructor: Graves & Associates Open It’s November 2016 and Donald Trump was elected as president. But, if you live in California, you need a background check to buy ammunition, felons are being released under prop 57, and now, we have proposition 64 and recreational marijuana.…
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault: Investigation and Prevention Instructor: Graves & Associates Open Have you ever been absolutely confused when investigating a rape allegation that involves drugs or alcohol? Do you have the necessary training in investigation of Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault, or DFSA? According to a 2005 study, about 1/3 of all…
Online Butane Hash Oil Investigations Training Instructor: Graves & Associates Open Butane Hash Oil Did you know that butane expands to 288 times its size? That means that one can of butane is enough to fill a 1,400 square foot home with butane vapor. Kind of important stuff to know so…
Current Drug Trends, Including the Latest on Synthetic Drugs Instructor: Graves & Associates Open Get the Latest Drug Trends The drugs that people use are changing at a crazy pace. Back in the day, we only had to worry about the big 5: Heroin, meth, cocaine, PCP and marijuana. Now, people are getting high…