Affiliate marketing is a great way to increase exposure and boost course sales. and, after months of instructor requests, the Law Enforcement Learning Affiliate Program is finally live! The program provides instructors with the ability to create and use affiliates, or persons and companies that promote your Law Enforcement Learning courses in exchange for commissions. You can now… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Distance Learning
Ready for Customizable Discount Codes?
You can now generate custom coupon codes with the Law Enforcement Learning Discounts generator. To do so, highlight the automatically generated coupon code in the Discounts box: Next, replace the automatically generated code with your custom configuration and select a percentage discount: Finally, press the “Create a Discount” button to generate the new code. When… Read more »
New Feature: Customize Your Course Welcome Messages
You can now send customized email welcome messages to students who enroll in your Law Enforcement Learning courses! Here’s a quick overview of our newest feature: When a student enrolls in a Law Enforcement Learning course, he or she receives two automated emails: a receipt documenting the purchase and a short message welcoming them to the… Read more »
Check Out Our New Coupon Code Generator
If you’d like to offer sales or provide different price points to different segments of your customer base, check out our new Coupon Code generator. It allows you to generate multiple coupon codes for each of your courses, and you can pass the codes out to whoever you’d like. Here’s how the generator works: First,… Read more »
Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Course’s Transfer of Learning Rate
Your courses are only effective if students are able to retain course material and apply it on the job. Without high levels of learning transfer, courses will not achieve their intended objectives and students will not benefit from the information you provide. While research indicates only about 10 percent of information in training and education… Read more »
Three Myths about Money Laundering Investigations
Editor’s Note: This post was written by money laundering expert Jessica Herbert. Check out Jessica’s background and courses here. Criminal investigators and analysts uncover the layers of criminal organizations with investigative techniques using data and information from several sources. For money laundering investigations, these sources can be a continuous trail of transactions connecting persons, businesses… Read more »
Featured Instructor Interview: Nick Nicholson
This month’s Featured Instructor, the Nicholson Group, provides organizational development services to public and private sector law enforcement and security clients. In a few weeks, we’ll introduce the Group’s Assessing Your Personality, a course designed to help students better understand their own personality style, better recognize personality styles in others, and adapt their communication strategies… Read more »
Big Changes Coming Soon to Law Enforcement Learning!
Over the past few months, we’ve received a great deal of feedback from instructors and students on site features and capabilities. In general, both groups want to ensure they can quickly and easily use the site to communicate with others, and each course’s internal message function has become the primary mechanism for most course-related communications…. Read more »
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Featured Instructor Interview – FORCE Concepts
Happy New Year! As we move into 2014, we’re very excited to welcome Documenting Force, Law Enforcement’s premier use of force technical writing course, to Law Enforcement Learning. The course, which helps officers deliver comprehensive use of force reports that withstand scrutiny and limit litigation, employs case studies, exercises, and assignments to teach proven law… Read more »