If you’d like to offer sales or provide different price points to different segments of your customer base, check out our new Coupon Code generator. It allows you to generate multiple coupon codes for each of your courses, and you can pass the codes out to whoever you’d like. Here’s how the generator works: First,… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Police Online Learning
Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Course’s Transfer of Learning Rate
Your courses are only effective if students are able to retain course material and apply it on the job. Without high levels of learning transfer, courses will not achieve their intended objectives and students will not benefit from the information you provide. While research indicates only about 10 percent of information in training and education… Read more »
Featured Instructor Interview: Nick Nicholson
This month’s Featured Instructor, the Nicholson Group, provides organizational development services to public and private sector law enforcement and security clients. In a few weeks, we’ll introduce the Group’s Assessing Your Personality, a course designed to help students better understand their own personality style, better recognize personality styles in others, and adapt their communication strategies… Read more »
Big Changes Coming Soon to Law Enforcement Learning!
Over the past few months, we’ve received a great deal of feedback from instructors and students on site features and capabilities. In general, both groups want to ensure they can quickly and easily use the site to communicate with others, and each course’s internal message function has become the primary mechanism for most course-related communications…. Read more »
What is Law Enforcement Learning? Take a Look.
Featured Instructor Interview – FORCE Concepts
Happy New Year! As we move into 2014, we’re very excited to welcome Documenting Force, Law Enforcement’s premier use of force technical writing course, to Law Enforcement Learning. The course, which helps officers deliver comprehensive use of force reports that withstand scrutiny and limit litigation, employs case studies, exercises, and assignments to teach proven law… Read more »
Student Satisfaction & Distance Learning: Thoughts and Tips
Student satisfaction is an important component of a successful distance learning experience, and you can increase student satisfaction with quality content, effective course design, and frequent interaction opportunities. This short post will offer some tips on how you can boost student satisfaction rates in your courses – doing so will increase the chances students recommend… Read more »
Featured Instructor Interview: Wesley Clark
We recently sat down with December’s Featured Instructor, Wesley Clark, to discuss his course and his thoughts on Cognitive Interviewing. When he’s not at Law Enforcement Learning, you can find him training, consulting, or tweeting at @WesClark. Here are some excerpts from our conversation: Law Enforcement Learning: Tell us about your course: Clark: Cognitive Interviewing… Read more »